Craftsmen Translating our Clients Ideas & Concepts into Fine Contemporary Workmanship, since 1988
"Standing the Test of Time"
ITAGE Design Group
About ITAGE Design Group Partners and how we decided on the name.
our mission: To Make Antiques of the Future
I, Fred Ferry have served as ITAGE Design Group, Partner and Designer since 1988.
Graduated from in GA Tech 1973, with a BS in Industrial Design.
As a student for 3 years of Professor Hin Brediendieck at Tech (a graduate of the Dessau Bauhuas in 1930) the Bauhuas philosophy he taught his students has stayed with me to this day, in how I approach design and fabrication techniques, I was truely fortunate to be a student of this great teacher & Industrial Designer.
Bill Maurer has served as ITAGE Design Group. Partner and Builder since 1988.
Bill brought to the partnership an exceptional skilled background in exhibit fabrication,
display fabrication, construction disciplines and installation proficiency.
Many have asked me or Bill where the name ITAGE was derived...
I, Fred proud of my ITAlian heritage plus Bill proud of his GErman heritage = ITAGE
More info on Hin's design history:
Hin Bredendieck’s School of Industrial Design
Beyond Bauhaus: The Evolving Man-Made Environment
by first ID Director Hin Bredendieck
has been published through the generosity
of ID alumnus James L. Oliver (BSID 1965; BME 1967).